As the coronavirus outbreak evolves quickly in the US, numbers of COVID-19 cases continue to rise. California, including the Greater Los Angeles area, has declared a state of emergency. Lack of personal protective equipment (PPE) for First Responders including frontline medical workers has become a top issue.
On May 1st, as a member of CGCC Foundation, WR. Fibers and Cycle Link (U.S.A) Inc. donated 2,500 disposable face masks to 20 Los Angeles County Alliance Boys & Girls Clubs, which are kept open for youth and families in need serving first responders and healthcare workers children.
With the coordination of the Chinese Consulate-General in Los Angeles and the big support from CGCC Foundation, currently, the Foundation has donated PPE to over 50 hospitals, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations, including: N95 mask, surgical mask, medical protective clothing, medical gloves, medical protective eye goggles, disinfection supplies, etc. The total number of materials: 2,688,494pcs; The total value is approximately $2,134,624.
Consul General Zhang Ping, Chinese Consulate-General in Los Angeles praised the donation efforts from CGCC Foundation and CGCC-Los Angeles. Ambassador Nina Hachigian, the deputy mayor of Los Angeles, and the hospital representative extended sincere appreciation.
WR. Fibers is very concerned about the development of the epidemic. While ensuring the protection and health of our employees, we hope to do our utmost to help groups and individuals in need in the society. Let us help each other and fight the epidemic together!
(Jun 1, 2020)